Important - Change in Online Service Provider - From 31st March patients contacting the Practice online will now use Accurx instead of Anima

The Market Surgery

Warehouse Lane, Wath-Upon-Dearne, Rotherham, S63 7RA

Telephone: 01709 870150

We're open

Self Referrals

Did you know that there are some free NHS health services you can access without needing an appointment with your GP? This is called self-referral and could help you find the care you need quicker and more easily than going through your surgery.

Self-Referral forms 

We are providing our patients with a list of services that you can self-refer to without the need to see a GP or Nurse. Please find below information and links to Rotherham Self-Referral Services. 

Ear Care and Audiology 

  • Please complete the self-service request form to replace hearing aid batteries and/or tubing by clicking on the following Link. 

Continence Advisory Service 

  • Are you experiencing any problems with incontinence of your bladder or bowel? If so, please complete the self-referral form (which will direct you to the Continence Service) on the following Link. 

Adult Speech and Language Therapy 

  • Speech & Language Therapists help people with swallowing and communication problems including voice difficulties and stammering. Please complete the self-referral form on the following Link. 


  • Maternity is the care of women and babies during pregnancy, birth and the first weeks after baby is born. Our Maternity Services are provided in the Community, Antenatal Clinic (Greenoaks), Triage, Antenatal Day Unit, Delivery Suite and the Antenatal & Postnatal Ward (Wharncliffe Ward). We have Midwives based both at the Hospital and in Community, in addition to the Continuity of Carer Midwives who work in both settings. If you’ve found out you’re pregnant you can contact us directly without needing to see your GP by completing the self-referral form on the following Link. 

NHS Talking Therapies 

  • The NHS Rotherham Talking Therapies service offers a range of talking therapies for common mental health difficulties, such as anxiety, depression or stress. If you are 18 or over, experiencing symptoms of these and would like help to manage them, please complete the self-referral form by visiting the website on the following Link 
  • If you need urgent help please find more information on the following Link 

  • is an online counselling and support service for all young people and young adults across Rotherham aged 11-25. It is a safe, confidential and anonymous way for young people and young adults to access emotional wellbeing and early intervention mental health support. Fully trained BACP Accredited counsellors and emotional wellbeing practitioners are available until 10pm each night, 365 days per year, providing a much needed out-of-hours service for emotional support in an accessible way. Offering personalised support with short waiting lists and no thresholds, users can access: 
  • Live one to one text-based counselling sessions 
  • 24hr messaging service 
  • Clinically approved articles 
  • Peer to peer support through pre moderated discussion forums 
  • A Daily Journal 
  • If you need urgent help please find more information on the following Link 

Contact Details for Self Referrals

Health Services

The Primary Ear Care and Audiology service offer hearing assessments and therapy services for children and adults. Patients over the age of 55 can self refer by calling the Primary Ear Care Centre on 01709 423207, or the Audiology Service on 01709 423145.

Rotherham Sexual Health Service provides a range of services including screening and contraception. Call 01709 427777 or book a sexual health test online

Abortion Services – MSI Reproductive Choices: Providing early medical abortion, surgical abortion, STI Screening, contraception and counselling. Call 0345 300 8090 or visit

Abortion Services – British Pregnancy Advisory Service – an independent healthcare charity which, for more than 55 years, has been advocating and caring for women and couples who decide to end a pregnancy. : Call 03457 30 40 30 or Book an Appointment Online

Lifestyle Support

Achieve Your Healthy Weight – providing you with the tools, guidance, and encouragement needed to achieve and maintain your ideal, healthy weight. Call 01709 718720 or visit

Do you want to quit Smoking? Providing the tools, resources, and support you need to transition to a smoke-free life visit the Rotherham Healthwave. Call 01709 718720 or visit

Mental Health

Rotherham Talking Therapies – for help with common mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and stress.03000 215 108 or visit

The Rotherham Crisis team operates a 24 hours a day 7 days a week crisis telephone line accessible to everyone, offering triage, advice, signposting, and follow-up appointments- call 0800 804 8999

Children and Young Peoples Crisis Team: Call 24/7 on 03000 218 996

Social Support

If you are affected by Domestic Abuse, Domestic Violence or Child Sexual Exploitation, you can contact Rotherham Rise. Call: 0330 2020571 email: or visit the website

Manual Wheelchair:

ROADS – Rotherham Alcohol and Drug Service. For information and to self refer visit the website

South Yorkshire Eating Disorder Association provide non-judgemental support and treatment to people affected by eating disorders. They accept self-referrals from individuals age 16 plus. Visit their website

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    18:30 to 20:30 (alternative location)
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    18:30 to 20:30 (alternative location)
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    18:30 to 20:30 (alternative location)
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    18:30 to 20:30 (alternative location)
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    18:30 to 20:30 (alternative location)
  • Saturday
    09:00 to 17:30 (alternative location)
  • Sunday
    08:00 to 13:00 (alternative location)
NHS A-Z Conditions
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